
Posts Tagged ‘dreams’

The purpose

May 11, 2011 1 comment

The point where something, anything stops serving a purpose, and becomes the purpose, is usually the point where it stops working….

Let’s look at relationships, they’re wonderful, and in most cases it can be hard to be who we really are in the early stages, why? Simple answer, fear. Fear of rejection, of not being good enough, of what others will think of us, and often that’s when the part of a relationship that served a purpose (companionship, similar interests, attraction, fun, etc) becomes the purpose. The turning point where something that was good, free, and joyous becomes dishonest, impure, and strained. Now I’ve fallen in this trap many a times, and have thus found it important to look at why this happened, low self-esteem, not knowing what I really wanted out of life, and not really even knowing who I was, where some of the culprits high on the list. Let me take a similar approach to jobs, fear of not making enough money to pay the bills, society’s ideas of what life should look like, and not really knowing what I wanted out of life has dictated much of the work I’ve done, now don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret any of it, as I’m happy where I am today, but at the time even though I was able to put joy and enthusiasm into the work I was doing, I ended up disliking what I did after a certain amount of time as I felt I wasn’t fulfilling my dreams, I’d set them aside for the security of a steady paycheck. Similarly in relationships it was great for a time, but as the realization hit that I wasn’t being true to myself as I didn’t know who that was, I started look for ways out, and it was the beginning of the end. Now in moving away from the much traveled path I am often amazed at the negative feedback that is offered to most people who dare to even try to realize their dreams, not that it really comes as a surprise, but I am learning how to recognize true friendship in the process, and being my own friend is absolutely  essential to that. That is (among others) what this blog is about.

Best regards
